Judge: mr. Nikolaus Messler (SV)
Helpers: Artjom Trefov ja Glenn De Bie
Venue: Tagadi KoerteTreeningkeskus kaart
Laupäev / Saturday, 18.07.2022 | ||||
9:00 Registreerimise algus/ Registration begins | ||||
09:30 Kutsikad 4 – 6 kuud / Puppies 4 – 6 months | ||||
11:00 Kutsikad 6 – 9 kuud / Puppies 6 – 9 months | ||||
12:15 Kutsikad 9 – 12 kuud / Puppies 9 – 12 months | ||||
13:10 Lõuna | ||||
13:30 Avaklassid /Open classes | ||||
15:30 Veteranid / Veterans | ||||
16:30 Aretuskontroll | ||||
Harjutusvarrukas / Official Bitework training | ||||
Pühapäev / Sunday19.07.2022 | ||||
7:30 Registreerimise algus/ Registration begins | ||||
8:00 Kasutusklassi varrukakatse/ Bitework trial for working classes | ||||
9:30 Järglasklassid/ Progeny classes
09:45 Noorteklassid (12 – 18 kuud) / Juniors 12 – 18 months | ||||
11:55 Lõuna | ||||
12:15 Keskmised klassid (18 – 24 kuud) / Youth classes 18 – 24 months | ||||
14:30 Kasutusklassid/Working classes | ||||
18:00 Kasvatajaklassid / Breeder classes |
Registration dates and fees:
to: 08.06.2022
Members of ESLÜ | non-members | |
puppies and veterans | 25 € | 30 € |
12-18,18-24 and Open classes | 35 € | 40 € |
Working classes | 40 € | 45 € |
Veterans 10+ | 0 € | 0 € |
NB ! Enne registreerumist palun tutvu allpool olevate osalemistingimustega!
Rules for participation:
All dogs must have a tattoo or microchip and be duly vaccinated
Dogs from 12 months must pass gunshot test
All working class dogs must pass courage test
If you are registrating your dog to working class, you must add copies of dog’s pedigree, working trial record book, Körung evaluation sheet or certificate of the working trial to registration form or send them via e-mail
All dogs registrated to Open or Working class, must have officially confirmed ED/HD results
All documents must be arrived at the same day and all bank costs must be payed by remitter!
Please bring along to the show:
– registration certificate
– valid vaccination certificate
After a successful exhibition registration, you will receive a confirmation message at your email. Registration only through registration form EAGS websites. If in a couple of days you do not receive such a letter, please contact the organizers.
Info: Merike Klement +3725156658 (ENG), Veiko Väljas +372 51963422 ( RUS), Rain Heinsoo +372 5059748 ( EST)
– A dog is considered registered to the show only after the entry fee is received to the EAGS’s bank account!
– Payment and registration must correspond to the above entry dates.
– Only bank transfers are accepted for payment! The last date of receiving the payment at the bank account is 10.06.2022.
ESLÜ/EAGS bank requisites:
Beneficiary: Eesti Saksa Lambakoerte Ühing
SEB, SWIFT/BIC: EEUHEE2X, IBAN: EE241010022004993000
NB! Please indicate in the payment description the show, to which you register (date) and the name of the dog!
NB! Registration fee shall be calculated based on the date of sending the registration form and the fee has to be paid during the respective registration period!
NB! Dogs, who have been registered, but not paid for, may not participate in the show.
Plaanitav ajakava/ Planned Schedule ( The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the event program until 2nd of October 2021.)
Laupäev / Saturday, 18.06.2022
Kutsikad 4-6 kuud / Puppies 4-6 months
Kutsikad 6-9 kuud / Puppies 6-9 months
Kutsikad 9-12 kuud / Puppies 9-12 months
Veteranid / Veterans
Avaklassid / Open classes
Aretuskontroll / Körung
Harjutusvarrukas / Official Bitework training
Pühapäev / Sunday, 19.06.2022
Kasutusklassi varrukakatse/ Bitework trial for working classes
Järglasklassid/ Progeny classes
Noorteklassid (12-18) kuud / Junior (12-18) months
Keskmised klassid (18-24 kuud) / Youth classes (18-24) months
Kasutusklassid / Working classes
Kasvatajaklassid / Breeder classes